Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Comparing Sweet Treats

On a hot summer day, everyone loves to snack on something cold and delicious. In America, you might scoop yourself a bowl of ice cream. In Italy, you would stop by a gelateria for some gelato. Although it is similar to ice cream, there are many differences between the American and Italian sweet treats.

Gelato is the Italian word for frozen ice cream. Like ice cream, it is made with milk, cream, and sugar. However, gelato uses more whole milk than cream. Another difference is gelato is churned slower and has a dense but whipped texture. Ice cream is usually lighter, fluffier, and contains more air. Therefore, gelato has a more intense flavor than ice cream does. Finally, gelato is made to be served fresh while ice cream can be stored for months. Because of this, gelato is served at a warmer temperature than ice cream. This makes gelato smoother while ice cream is harder.

Delicious: taste good, yummy
Gelateria: Italian ice cream store
Gelato: Italian word for frozen ice cream
Similar: almost the same as
Churned: stirred
Dense: heavy, filled
Intense: strong, rich

Vocabulary Activity-

Grammar Point 
Adjectives are words that are used to describe nouns. The word hot describes a summer day, and the words dense and whipped describe the texture of gelato. We can use our five senses (smell, taste, feel, hear, and see) to help us come up with words to describe nouns.

Your Turn: Write 3-5 sentences about your favorite type of food. Use adjectives to describe what that food smells like, tastes like, looks like, and feels like.

1 comment:

  1. Gelato sounds great! I don't think I have ever had it. I like your grammar point about the senses and adjectives. That was a good idea.
